One Day Changed Everything

Luz C. Gonzalez
4 min readNov 8, 2019

One day changed everything for me…

About seven years ago, I had graduated from law school and found I felt IMPRISONED 😣 by my career

And then one day, I got really sick 😰
I was at a café working on law school assignments and I started feeling really bad…

I decided I needed to get home asap, and started on my way home
I was driving at night when my left arm and leg went numb.
On a bridge.
Nowhere to pull over.

I broke out in a sweat.
I found it hard to breathe.
I was losing control of even my hands on the steering wheel.
Was I going to make it?

I thought:
This could be it.
I might be having a stroke … and what was it all for?
Am I even happy?
If I continue down this path, will I ever be happy?
Live out my purpose of impact?
Wealthy in opportunities meaningful to ME?
Shouldn’t I be healthy and thriving, rather than merely surviving?
Have I been true to ME, and the life that I want to live?
Do I even know who I am and what LUZ wants from her life?

As you can see, I made it — yay!

And that moment changed my life forever 💯

And I am forever grateful ✨ to that moment, because had it not happened I might still be an attorney today
…and I’m pretty sure if I was, I’d be outright MISERABLE 😞

But this was no longer an option
I was no longer willing to live life following others’ ideas of success, fulfillment, and happiness -
Nope, it was time for ME to be in the driver’s seat 🏎 of MY life

I decided to no longer pursue my career as a lawyer,
which was slowly killing me from the inside out

I had been ignoring my soul’s and heart’s️ calling for YEARS
The inner voice that was so loud that I could no longer ignore
I WOULD no longer ignore

I started seeking alignment ✨
Getting to know who I was
Getting to know the real ME and what I wanted
What made me happy
What success meant to ME
Not what society, my mentors, family wanted for MY life 🙅‍♀️

Who was I,
and what did LUZ want from her life? 🔥

I changed everything 💥

Switched into the world of entrepreneurship, and for about six years have been in the world of building and supporting companies — startups, small businesses, and online coaching lifestyle businesses

Now, my life looks unlike anything I could have imagined as a lawyer
I build funnels,
and automated email sequences,
and video trainings
And my business is FULLY online
And I coach people on turning their passion into an online business too

Many of my best friends are online
Many, of you HERE on this platform

I can live wherever in the WORLD I want
In just a month I will leave for Guatemala
To live there for a month as I bring in the new decade

I NEVER could have imagined this
But I had to change things to arrive HERE

And I’ve never looked back

It’s been hard
So freaking hard
and it’s been the BEST thing in my life

🔥The most soul-fulfilling
🔥Freaking feel ALIVE every damn day
🔥Thank the heavens for the work I GET to do,
🔥And CHOOSE to do
🔥And even in the hardest days, I’ve LOVED it
Every second of it

I’ve felt ALIVE
In alignment
Soul on FIRE

What about YOU?

When will the right time be to listen to the whispering (or shouting) of your inner voice?
Your inner compass
Your calling
Your purpose
Your gift

The gift 🎁 that only YOU have?

The year is almost over
Less than two months left
In this 🕰 DECADE
So I want to ask you…

How’s it going? 🤷‍♀️
Be really honest with yourself
Because this is YOUR life
YOU are in the driver’s seat
You’ve chosen the results you currently see in your life
And if there’s any part of your life you don’t like
That aren’t in alignment with the best you,
It’s on YOU to change it 👊

It might not be easy
It might not be straightforward how to get it done
But it will be WORTH it every day 🙌

You’re worth it
Your life is worth it
So get it there and LIVE 🔥🔥🔥

Hope this helps 🙏


Drop a 👊 if this spoke to you and you are owning the driver’s seat of your life

And if you want a coach to guide you on your transition to entrepreneur, holler at your girl 😉



Luz C. Gonzalez

Online Branding + Business Coach | Speaker | Ultra-runner | Self-Development Junkie | Social Impact |